29 Healthy Breakfast Foods And Drinks That You Will Benefit From

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Greek Yogurt

Source: https://www.liveeatlearn.com

While any yogurt is a healthy breakfast option, Greek yogurt has more calcium, and nearly twice as much protein as regular yogurt. Greek yogurt is different because it undergoes a straining process to remove the whey. Whey is a liquid that contains lactose, the natural sugar found in milk. So Greek yogurt has less sugar than regular yogurt. Being rich in calcium and protein, Greek yogurt can improve bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It also reduces appetite by making you fuller. And Greek yogurt contains probiotics, or good bacteria. It can improve gut health, though not everybody reacts the same way to probiotics. Enjoy it for breakfast with bananas or blueberries. Or simply use it as a spread on whole wheat bread with your coffee or OJ.