23 Movie Sequels That Were Bigger Hits Than The Originals

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Before Sunset (2004)


One of the best, and most unlikely trilogies, was Linklater’s Before series. While all three movies are great – Before Sunset manages to add cynicism and maturity to the romance between Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. The first movie, Before Sunrise, was simply an intimate, dialogue driven story of first love. The second and third movies are much better, with different unique aspects to the romance. But Before Sunset sticks out due to its real-time narrative, as Linklater follows the characters’ 80-minute reunion before Jesse has to catch his plane. The “ticking clock” device adds a layer of tension and anxiety throughout. If Before Sunrise was a falling in love story, and the 3rd part of the trilogy, Before Midnight was a staying in love story, Before Sunset was a being in love story, which is the more thrilling for love story fanatics. You decide though.