29 Things You Should Never Do in Spain

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Never Order/Drink Sangria

Source: https://recipesavant.blob.core.windows.net

The first alcoholic drink you could probably think of when you hear about Spain, would be Sangria, right? A common joke among locals is that the simplest way to spot a tourist, would be that they will be the only ones drinking Sangria in a bar. Sangria is a drink typically consumed during fiestas, Spaniards would buy a box of Don Simón sangria for a euro, and they would drink it in the streets during local festivals. Teenagers also tend to buy and drink it since it is cheap. It is far from being the traditional drink of Spain.
Rather than ordering Sangria, there are a lot of other varieties of wine-based drinks that you can order while in Spain. Why not order Tinto de Verano (which means “red wine of summer”), it is one of the most popular drinks in the hot summer months in southern Spain. It is normally made up of 1-part red wine and 1-part gaseosa (or soda). Or maybe try Calimocho, it is similar to Tinto de Verano, but instead of a citrus flavored soda, they use Coca-Cola. Perplexed? We are not kidding! In Spain you can get red wine mixed with Coke. These are just some of the fantastic wine mixes you can choose, the same kind that the locals would order.