Top 30 Most Dangerous Dogs

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Alaskan Malamute


A large, massive breed, the Alaskan Malamutes are strong pack animals and are also used as arctic sled dogs. They are related to Siberian Huskies except that they are larger and known to be more dangerous by nature. Even though they’re fluffy, beautiful, and intelligent canines, they can be destructive, often destroying their owner’s property or anything in the surrounding environment if they are not allowed to roam and exercise. They can also be violent toward other dogs even of their own breed, so it’s advised to separate the dogs from each other. Stay away from Alaskan Malamutes when they’re eating because they’re very possessive of their meals and can be vicious when approached.
So, there you have it, some 30 dog breeds potentially more dangerous than others. With protective and territorial instincts firmly ingrained, these dogs require constant supervision, socialization, and guidance. Dogs are still a man’s best friend, and hopefully, man can care for them with affection and train them to be friendly with people. It never really is the dog’s fault after all.