Top 30 Most Dangerous Dogs

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Doberman Pinscher


Excellent guard dogs, Doberman Pinschers are fiercely loyal to their owner and do not take to strangers. Like most powerful dogs, they should be trained as early as possible. They have a big, muscular build and a broad, strong chest they use for hitting large prey hard and taking them to the ground. Their cropped ears and docked tails eliminate a potential handhold on them. But the most common reason they’re seen as ferocious is their bite. They have a very strong bite force of 305 PSI that can snap a tennis ball in half. They also have a scissor bite where their teeth come together in a precise, interlaced way, allowing them to hold onto what they bite effectively. Additionally, unlike other dogs that bite and refuse to release, Dobermans tend to bite and release and bite again in rapid succession, causing significant damage in a short period. They’re powerful and energetic but can also be very aggressive and dangerous.