Amazing Uses of WD-40 You Didn’t Know About

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16. Remove Toilet Bowl Stains


Toilet bowl stains and lime scales can be quite a challenge to remove. These eyesores are very embarrassing, especially if a guest uses your toilet and sees the state the bowl is in. Knowing the kind of stain can help you choose the right products to use. 
Hard water residue is one of the most common substances that stain toilet bowls. Scales build up around the bowl after years of use, making it difficult to clean with ordinary detergents and cleaning aids. Other culprits that stain tiles and toilet bowls include mold and mildew, both of which can occur anywhere in your toilet. Mold stains come in different colors such as blue, green, yellow, gray, black or white. Mildew, on the other hand start out as white and turn yellow or brown as time passes.  
Luckily, spraying the inner walls of your toilet bowl WD-40 will help loosen the stubborn grime from hard water, mold and mildew, making them easier to scrub-off with a toilet brush.