Amazing Uses of WD-40 You Didn’t Know About

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35. Remove Ink Stains


Almost everything we come across nowadays have ink on them. Pens, photocopies, printouts, labels, price tags, etc. You name it, it probably has ink on it. 
While useful, ink tends to run, causing the occasional but very troublesome stain every now and then. Pen marks on your blouse or marker stains on your couch can become eyesores that are not only irritating but also difficult to remove. 
Ink stains can ruin a perfect pair of jeans or an expensive leather jacket. Fortunately, WD-40 is effective in removing these nasty stains, saving your prized clothing from the dumpster. Now ink stains don’t have to be permanent. Simply spray on some WD-40 on the ink spot, allow it to soak through and then wash the item with detergent.