Amazing Uses of WD-40 You Didn’t Know About

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33. Stop Animals from Climbing into the Garbage Bin


It’s happened to a lot of us. You take your garbage out, leave it out on the curb for the collectors to pick-up the following morning. You go back in the house, thinking that it’s safe inside the bin you put it in. The next morning, you wake up to a messy front yard and sidewalk, with all your trash littered all over. Thanks to the local wildlife (and some stray pets) that rummaged through your trash for a tasty meal, your day just turned south. 
Spraying the sides of your garbage bin with WD-40 will make the surfaces slippery enough to prevent animals from climbing up. Pests such as rats, squirrels and other vermin will find it very difficult to rummage through your garbage and making mess of things.