Amazing Uses of WD-40 You Didn’t Know About

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52. Remove Barnacles from a Boat


Boat owners all over the world know how frustrating a task barnacle removal can be. These tiny mollusks attach themselves to practically anything in the water. Ship hulls, rocks, and even whales, aren’t safe from these stubborn organisms that seem to weld themselves onto surfaces and refuse to budge. 
Barnacles have a glue which works similarly to human blood when it forms clots. While protein fibers bind red blood cells to form clots in humans, similar enzymes called serine proteases make up barnacle glue. Because of these enzymes, barnacles are able to remain attached onto surfaces and are difficult to remove.
Fortunately, WD-40’s lubricating properties makes this much easier. Simply spray some WD-40 onto the area where the barnacles are attached and wait a few seconds for the stuff to work its magic. Then, with a use of a putty knife, easily scrape away the barnacles from the hull.