Amazing Uses of WD-40 You Didn’t Know About

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20. Cleans and Removes Rust from License Plates


Driving on wet roads, especially on snow-covered streets treated with salt, can cause corrosion and rust to build up. License plates are most commonly affected and frankly, we rarely give them a second look. We sometimes overlook our license plates when hosing down our vehicles, and because we do, rust starts to build up. 
So what? Its’s just a license plate right? 
Wrong. The rust that slowly eats into the metal of our license plates can stain other parts of our car. It can discolor the paint job which can be difficult to remove and expensive to restore. Rust can also make its way into the tiny spaces on our cars that we can’t reach. This can cause damage in places we can’t see, and once we notice them, it might already be too late. 
Spraying your license plate with WD-40 and wiping it with a clean rag will remove whatever rust that has set on it, making it look like new again.