Amazing Uses of WD-40 You Didn’t Know About

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59. Get Rid of Roaches and Other Insects


Pests can be a headache because they could cause all sorts of problems. They can cause disease, destroy property, and even inflict pain on the people living in the house. 
Prevent insects such as ants and cockroaches from invading and infesting your home by spraying WD-40 in places where they usually crawl. Window sills, door jambs, and tiny cracks in the walls are only some examples of where pests pass to gain access to your house. 
WD-40 is toxic to cockroaches and other creeping insects, making the stuff an effective repellent against them. WD-40 comes with a thin plastic tube that you can attach to the nozzle. This extension lets you to spray the stuff into hard to reach places, allowing you to kill bugs in their hiding places.