Amazing Uses of WD-40 You Didn’t Know About

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13. Loosen Nuts and Bolts


Fixing things would probably be a lot faster, if only stubborn nuts and bolts could be avoided. Oftentimes, projects come to a halt when we encounter rusty and corroded nuts and bolts. This can be very frustrating and forcing them loose might only worsen things.  
Rusty and corroded nuts and bolts become stuck solid over time. Forcibly removing them might only ruin their threads, making them even more difficult to loosen, delaying your project even longer. Scratching our heads won’t fix the problem, that’s for sure. 
What you need is a can of WD-40, which is known to loosen rust and corrosion, allowing you to continue working on your project in not time. Spraying a little WD-40 on those nuts and bolts and letting them soak in it a bit, will make them easier to work with.