The Reasons Behind Our Dogs’ Weird Behavior

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Why Dogs Bark At Strangers


Not every dog barks at strangers. Some may bark at other people, but may not bark at some, while others rarely bark at all. But for those that do, there are a few reason that may explain why they’re doing it. One of it is of course their territorial instinct. Dogs are naturally territorial, and when they see someone they’re not familiar with, they might think of them as a threat. This happens mainly when the dogs are in their turf of their territory. Dogs also bark at strangers because they get spooked and are really wary of people they don’t know (stranger danger), and this happens mostly when they’re taken out for a walk, for example. Finally, being the social creatures that they are, it can be their sign of greeting, where the bark is normally accompanied by wagging tails and other friendly gestures.