How Times Have Changed: The 80s vs Now

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Dressing Like an Indian for the Thanksgiving Pageant

Curious Theatre

By this time, we all know that the peaceful Thanksgiving dinner at Plymouth Rock between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag “Indians” is mostly apocryphal legend, made up to help teach generations of kids the spirit of brotherhood and cooperation (even though now many people understand that the reasons for Chief Massasoit befriending the English was actually military strategy and political might in the face of a crippling epidemic). However, when we were kids, Thanksgiving meant dressing up as either Pilgrims or Indians, and acting out a pageant for our parents each year. Kids these days do not dress up as Squanto or Samoset and speak in overly stylized English, with scripts written by men who speak no other language but English. Kids nowadays are careful about cultural appropriation and respecting Native American culture — and we cannot be prouder of them.