How Times Have Changed: The 80s vs Now

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Climb Trees

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There is a generally accepted understanding that Americans are a litigious bunch. Therefore, we are forced to live in a society where excessive precautions are taken in most public spaces to ensure that no accident or injury ever occurs. Remember the old woman who sued McDonald’s when she spilled hot coffee on herself? Because she didn’t know it was going to be that hot? And she won? Well. That’s a famous case, but it’s more the exception than the rule when it comes to Americans and filing claims. According to reports, only about 10% of injured Americans in 2013 filed claims for compensation, and 2% filed lawsuits. So, we’re really not that litigious, yet companies fear the worst, and continue to treat us, and our children with kid gloves, as if all it will take is a scraped knee for us to be on the phone to our personal injury lawyers. This is why our kids can now be sent to the vice principal’s office for climbing trees — because it is now considered to be breaking the rules.