How Times Have Changed: The 80s vs Now

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Watching Cartoons Only Once A Week


Kids these days have all the cartoons they want at their fingertips — and for the most part, they seem to enjoy their media if it’s more interactive, like in the form of video games. When we were kids, we had to wake up very early on Saturday morning to watch cartoons. This was a sacred time for kids each weekend, and a lot of great 80s cartoons were born in this era. It also served as time for our parents to sleep in for a few hours on the weekend, which is why every household we knew allowed their kids to watch the Saturday Morning cartoons.
When all is said and done, kids these days have to navigate a lot more complicated and difficult things than we did when we were their age. It would do us Gen-Xers some good to cut them some slack and remember that we were in a different time, and what worked for us, and what was good for us, doesn’t mean it will be the same for them.