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The Lion Slept That Night

Lad Bible

This is a photo of Skybed Scar, a lion who was forced out of his pride, shortly before he died of starvation. He was well-known in Kruger National Park, in South Africa, so his death was a powerful reminder of the importance of family in the animal kingdom. While most cats live solitary lives except for when they raise their young, lions live in either prides or coalitions. According to biologists, a pride consists of adult females, sub-adults, and cubs. Coalitions on the other hand consist of adult male lions. Prides and coalitions both have territories that they defend, however some coalitions are known to have a big enough territory that spans several prides. It is often misunderstood, but there is no dominance hierarchy within a coalition. All males will eventually mate with females. Fights for dominance between warring coalitions usually result in fights to the death, where the losing lion will leave the territory and look for other females to mate with, until he meets other territorial males that he can fight or flee from. It is believed by conservationists that Skybed Scar may have suffered an injury he couldn’t heal from and couldn’t keep up with his family.