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Job-hunting in the Great Depression


This is a photo of a man advertising himself for any job there was to be had in the Great Depression. It was taken during a time when millions of people were out of work across the US. Many unemployed people took to travelling from place to place, hoping to find some work. Some had cars, but most hitchhiked or “rode the rails”, becoming stowaways on cross-country trains. The first official day of the Great Depression is known as “Black Thursday”, and started a bleak economic trend for the next few years. The number of unemployed in October 1929 jumped from 429,000 to 4,065,000 in January 1930, in the span of just three months. By January 1931, over 8 million people were unemployed, and by October of that year, over 9 million. Those who did keep their jobs had to endure decreased wages.