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North Korean Won

Source: http://www.earthnutshell.com/

Officially, it is illegal for tourists to acquire, handle, and keep North Korean Won. If you are a tourist in North Korea, you must use the US Dollar, Euro, or the Chinese Renminbi. If you do visit North Korea, remember to bring lower denominations of your foreign currency since it is unlikely that will get a correct change. In some cases, you might not even get a change when you make a purchase. If ever you really want to get your hands on some North Korean Won, a black market does exist and you can insist to receive your change in North Korean Won. Just don’t expect the merchant to be happy about it, not because it is illegal to do so, but it is inconvenient for them. This is because the value of the North Korean Won is so low that it would require a lot to give you a change for your US Dollar.