51 North Korean Photos They Don’t Want You To See

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Buildings in North Korea

Source: Bright Side

In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) it is prohibited to take pictures of houses, particularly the ones that aren’t in perfect condition. The North Korean government doesn’t want anything to look damaged, out of order, broken down, empty or poor. Even if you try to explain to the tour guide that such dilapidated structures exist in your own country or in any part of the world for that matter. By the way, you may notice that there are no curtains in any of the apartments, curtains aren’t banned. It is just that most people just don’t have the spare money to afford them. To try and maintain the facade that North Korea is an affluent country, tourists are told to only go to areas where the tour guides bring you to. The guides will then choose which pre-approved locations and scenery can be photographed, albeit photographers with hidden cameras will still attempt to take photos of subjects that fascinate them (avoid doing this if you don’t want to get in trouble).