51 North Korean Photos They Don’t Want You To See

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A Disobedient Kid

Source: Bored Panda

The picture above is a photo of an undisciplined and defiant kid in North Korea. The bus was driving on the road of Samijyon, then this kid just went to the middle of the road and just stood there blocking the route of the bus. Well, children in the eccentric and hermetic North Korean state do live different lives compared to the kids in the western world. Kids in North Korea are subjected to some of Kim Jong-Un’s harshest human rights abuses. Many children are punished for the crimes of their parents; therefore, many children live in prison camps, these children are forced to do hard labor regardless of their age.
Children who are in school, are also forced into hard labor to contribute to the society, without any real education, except for propaganda. The lucky ones are the children of the rich and politically connected, these children can avoid hard labor and are allowed to go to good school. But they are still required to perform certain propaganda functions for the benefit of the Kim’s state.