51 North Korean Photos They Don’t Want You To See

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Pyongyang’s Subway System as a Bomb Shelter

Source: Bored Panda

Underneath Pyongyang, the secretive capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), a lively subway system links the city’s workers. It is comprised of 16 stops; these were constructed mostly in the 1970s. The Pyongyang Metro is filled with hundreds of thousands of workers every day. If you are a tourist, you will notice that the transport setting is a bit unusual. You will notice that there is a contrast between the faintly lit halls and extravagant polished statues of the former leaders. With vibrant murals depicting scenes of revolutionary triumph alongside ex-German trains (these were purchased in the late 1990s).
The Pyongyang Metro is 110 meters underground. It is one of the deepest subway systems in the world. The descent going down to the subway takes almost 4 minutes. The reason for this is so that the stations can also be used as bomb shelters, the hallways are also protected by thick steel blast doors. Tourist who are accompanied by tour guides are only allowed to travel to certain stations. The photographer who took the picture above was asked to delete it since it included the tunnel, but of course he found a way not to delete.