51 North Korean Photos They Don’t Want You To See

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Watch Towers

Source: http://www.m1key.me/

The photograph above was taken by Michal Huniewicz, he took these rare photographs when he traveled to North Korea. The photographs he took are rare since these are the kinds of photographs that would get someone in trouble, due to the strict laws and security checks that North Korean officials implement.
The photograph above shows a couple of watch towers. If you are wondering, who would want to illegally go to North Korea? Well, these watch towers are not just for safe guarding the border against illegal immigrants; these watch towers are also here to keep an eye on North Koreans who plan to cross the border into China or Russia. The thing is, if you’re North Korean, you are not allowed to just leave North Korea. Any North Koreans who try to escape, but are caught by North Korean soldiers will end up in concentration camps for a few months or possibly years. That punishment is for the average citizen who is just trying to escape from the crushing poverty in North Korea. For influential and other important figures who try to escape from North Korea, their punishment would be imprisonment or even death.