The Best And The Worst Each American State Has To Offer

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Maine residents truly have something to be proud of, and it’s the fact that their state has the lowest violent crime rate among all the 50 states in the US, two-thirds lower than that the national average. This means that you can walk your dog safely outside without fear of being attacked., which is awesome since Maine is also the best place for raising man’s best friend.
All kinds of dogs are welcome in the state of Maine, even pit bulls! The state is so dog-friendly that 76 of its beaches are open for pups (and their owners of course) to enjoy.
Maine may be a great place to visit during the warm summer months, but winters there can be quite brutal. Temperatures plummet towards freezing, which can be very miserable considering that the cold months there last longer than most other states.
Also, according to census data, most of the people living in the state of Maine are white, 94.4% of the population in fact. It is the least diverse state in the America, besting even Vermont and New Hampshire for the title.
Lastly, Maine has the fourth largest tax burden of all the 50 states. That, compounded by the high cost of living, pegged at almost 14% higher than the national average, makes it difficult for the regular income earner to live there.